I am a Christian, Wife of 31 years, a mom to 1 son and 2 daughters, and 3 grandchildren. I love to travel, hike, explore and experience different cultures including food and traditions. Real Estate was never in my plan, but God had a different path for me. Through his path that he set me on and my faith in God, I became a REALTOR®, Broker, Instructor and Coach. My experience and knowledge of Real Estate and Marketing will help you achieve your goals and bring your business to the next level. We will work together and develop a plan that you will actually enjoying doing, while creating accountability and allowing you to never feel alone in Real Estate again!!
Matthew 18:20. "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there among them"
What is your why? Is it because you love HGTV, thought you would make millions, or do you really love to serve others and help when they are needing a REALTOR®? Believe me, everyone has a Why, but do you REALLY know what it is?
Do you feel like you are in a sea of thousands of Real Estate Professionals and no one see's you? Did you jump in Real Estate during Covid and the market was HOT, and now your listening to the media and getting that FEAR of the sky is falling? Or are you a seasoned REALTOR® and you are burnt out and feeling exhausted and unmotivated Post Covid throwing you off balance in your career and personal life?
Real Estate can be confusing to say the least, and you need someone on your side to help you get you out of the social media rabbit hole and get you back in game selling real estate and having a life you always wanted. Having goals and not knowing how to implement actions or having someone you can trust to talk things out with can be hard. Let me help you change your perspective and support you in your Real Estate Career.
My WHY? This business is hard, and lonely. I want to serve others and Share Knowledge, Understanding, Support and Build strong relationships professionally and personally with fellow REALTORS® & Brokers to make our Industry Stronger and United. To make each and everyone of you to feel that your opinion matters and you are not ALONE, to help you with goals to Succeed in this Industry.
As Real Estate Professionals we tend to see ourselves without support, guidance and just the sense of belonging. I want to change that.... I want you to feel that you are part of something bigger and that you can ask crazy questions, and not feel embarrassed that you did not know the answer, and grow to your full potential in which God has planned for you!
1 Peter 4:10 “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms”
1 Peter 4:10 “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms”
The Texas Real Estate Commission requires that I provide you with two important documents. The first is the Information About Brokerage Services that explains brokerage services available to prospective buyers, tenants, sellers and landlords. Please click this link to view Information About Brokerage Services Disclosure. The second required document is the Consumer Protection Notice which explains the process for filing a complaint with the Texas Real Estate Commission. Please click this link to view the Consumer Protection Notice. Please review these important documents and let me know if you have any questions.